Of the remaining cards, two move you elsewhere on the board, one takes away money from building owners and one is a get out of jail free card. Three Community Chest cards take money away. The majority of the Community Chest cards, nine out of sixteen, give you money. Additionally, there are two rewards cards which give you money, two penalty cards which take money away, a card that takes away money from building owners and one get out of jail free card. However, this roulette system does require a large bankroll to execute effectively. The odds are high that a chance card will move you to another place, since ten out of sixteen chance cards require you to do so. Let’s break down the most popular roulette strategies: The Martingale Strategy The Martingale strategy relies on a player doubling their bets after a loss meaning that eventually you’ll recoup all your losses. Each standard monopoly set includes: X Research source Spend some time with the cards before you play to learn what sorts of outcomes might be thrust upon you. It is a good idea to keep track of the cards that you and your opponents play during the game so you can anticipate what you might draw if you land on a Chance or Community Chest space. Keep in mind that you will have a higher chance of drawing certain cards.